Rachel & Zao

December 29, 2024 • Mckinney, TX

Rachel & Zao

December 29, 2024 • Mckinney, TX

Our Story

First Came Friendship, Then Came Love

Picture of First Came Friendship, Then Came Love

Rachel and Zao's Story

Rachel and Zao’s story begins on Valentines Day 2023, where the two met at a church small group. Within this group they made numerous lasting friendships and further developed their own bond. Feelings were felt almost immediately on both sides, and their friends were quickly involved. Hangouts became more frequent, and deep conversations became a norm for the two. Within these deep conversations, Zao and Rachel quickly learned each other's heart and devotion to the LORD, which would later be the foundation of their relationship.

As Spring changed to Summer, so too their relationship changed. What was once an intense spark quickly dwindled into a smoldering ember. Both took the Summer to reconnect with their faith, and became something more resembling acquaintances rather than friends. Though Rachel and Zao’s friendship was different, the embers of affection were never fully snuffed out.

They reconnected in the Fall as their friendgroup slowly started reforming. Not long after this rekindling did their romantic relationship start. When a planned hike with friends turned into a one-on-one walk through the woods, the emotional tension was high and the two were re-convinced of their feelings for each other. Three days later—when they made plans to study at a coffee shop together—Zao finally asked Rachel out on a date. Without hesitation, she said yes, and the two quickly became inseparable.

Since that fateful night on December 6th, 2023 at Zera’s Coffee, Rachel and Zao have gotten to grow in their love and friendship with each other. The ember that was kindled between them burned with new life. All of this has been made possible through the foundation of their relationship, their faith in Christ Jesus. They got engaged on August 3rd of 2024 and have a growing anticipation for their marriage.